
Sign Up Now is a call to action on life support. What to say instead

 Sign Up Now is a call to action on life support. What to say instead   Small Business,Copywriting,Internet Marketing Some might even say the ubiquitous “Sign up now” in proximity to the words Newsletter or Updates, is not a call to action at all. Literally, yes, it is telling someone to take an action, but it’s not engaging. Wait, let me be honest, it’s worse than that. It’s boring. Boring moves no one. Its fellow bores are subscribe, join, download, and enter your name and email. People, we must do better. Every word you use forms the bigger picture of your brand voice and I wager to say, you don’t have “boring” as one of your brand’s traits. You could argue that if I am offering a subscription to a monthly food sample, a button with the words subscribe or sign up works just fine. You’d be right, but fun and branded are more engaging than fine. Your button could al ells me nothing about what your newsletter will provide me with. There is no implied value. Side note: people want to kn